Sage 100, Sage 300, Sage 500, Sage PFW and BatchMaster specialists.
We only hire seasoned professionals who are absolutely committed to providing the very best for our customers. Our customers are our partners, and we know that only if our customer are happy can we be happy. And we love our jobs!
Our people have experience as CFO, Accounting Manager, Accountant, IT Support Desk, Programmer, Data Analyst. We have been there, done that.
Lets be honest. Software in 2013 is all pretty good. This is not the 80’s. Unless you have very specific needs, any of the top brand names in software is going to do the job. Sage, Microsoft, Epicor. It is all good software.
We feel that the implementation team makes the software, making the software fulfill your needs is our primary responsibility. And our team is the best at what they do.
The only way to hire our team, is to choose our software, and then we can help you.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris rutrum enim vitae mauris.